The following is a compilation of linedance
choreography awards, both Australian and elsewhere. If you
know of any other awards which are not included below and are
reasonably recent, let me know the results and I'll add 'em
in. David Powell.
Annual N.S.W Choreography Competition
Held 12th October, 2015, St Marys Band Club, Sydney
Judges Bill Larson, Peter Fry & Adrian Lefebour
Line Dance 1. Any Time With You - Sandy Kerrigan
2. Seven Year Ache - Jim Watt
3. Turn the Beat Up - Maddy Glover
Dance 1. Hey Bartender - Roxanne Moates 2. Baby I'm Amazed - Maddy Glover
3. Back Seat Bash - Sandy Kerrigan
Dance 1. Another Drinking Song - Kathryn Sloan 2. Runaway Heart - Sandy Kerrigan 3. It Feels Good Good Good - Kathryn Sloan
24th Australian Line Dance Championships
Held Tamworth, January 2016 Organised
by Line Dance Association of Australia
Line Dance 1. Dance With Me – Linda Burgess
2. Seven Year Ache – Jim Watt
3. Coconut Tree – Jennifer Hughes & Karen Jennings
Dance 1. Best Seat in the House – Stephen Paterson 2. Still in Love with You – Colleen Archer 3. Resurrection Shuffle – Linda Burgess
Dance 1. Ooh Wakka – John Hughes 2. Drinking Class – Jennifer Hughes & Karen Jennings 3. Sugar Baby Love – Stephen Paterson
Dance 1. My Legs are Weak – Linda Burgess 2. Tennessee Whiskey – Jennifer Hughes & Kevin Formosa 3. Don’t Be So – Linda Burgess
People's Choice Still in Love with You – Colleen Archer
Judges Choice Clair – Trish Arena
Mayworth Australian Country Dance Festival
Choreography Competition, 2016
Wests Leagues Club, Tamworth Services Club. 12th May
1. Coconut Tree – Jennifer Hughes and Karen Jennings 2. Try Everything (Easy) –Adrian Lefebour
1. Old Bones – Hui Hui Wu Wu 2. Strip it Down Ex – Johnathon Hardy & Jennifer Hughes
1. 2nd Hand Heart Kevin Formosa and Jennifer Hughes 2. Tennessee Whisky – Jennifer Hughes and Kevin Formosa
Highest Point Scorer
Bad Boys Be – Kevin Smith & Wayne Beazley
Southern State Line Dance Championships,
Choreography Competition, 2016
Serbian Community Centre, Greensborough, Victoria. 23-24th July.
Judges: Bill Larsen, Lu Olsen & Cathryn Proudfoot