Bilton Ancestry
Please note that the files on this site are a work in progress. Additional lines will be added as they are researched and existing lines corrected and expanded as new information becomes available. If you have found this site useful, please send me an email, especially if you are connected to one of the families in these charts. If you have any additional information (or corrections!) on any of these families, please do not hesitate to send me a copy (email if you need a postal address). I'm am also interested in photographs of any individuals contained in these charts for whom I do not currently have photographs. Sources for all of these charts have been collated into one master list of sources, which is posted separately.
February 2012: Expanded - Carroll, Bilton & Howell. New - Germaine.

Bilton Carroll Germaine
Howell-Kippax Knowles Moore
Roberts Sparks Summers

Reproduction for the purpose of financial gain is prohibited. Redistribution of this material to a genealogical listing/service which resells or charges for access is also prohibited. This material is public domain, unless specified otherwise in the sources, and cannot, by international copyright law ("Intellectual Rights") be copyrighted by a third party. I make no claim regarding the accuracy of these charts; the original sources are not free from error and a degree of guesswork is involved in genealogy. © 2012, David Powell, <roots-boots @>