Dance: Such a Night Song: Such a Night Artist: Elvis Presley Album: Love Songs; Artist Of The Century (Box Set) Choreography and copyright: Carl Sullivan, , 9/99 Level: Intermediate Walls: 4 Count: 64 Dance Beat: fast Start: Weight on left foot * To the right: two toe-struts, step, together, step, together: 1- 4 Touch RIGHT with RIGHT toes, drop RIGHT heel (weight onto RIGHT), touch LEFT toes beside RIGHT, drop LEFT heel (weight onto LEFT), 4- 6 Step RIGHT with RIGHT foot while twisting LEFT with LEFT heel, together with LEFT, 7- 8 Step RIGHT with RIGHT foot while twisting LEFT with LEFT heel, together with LEFT, * To the left: two toe-struts, step, together, step, together: 9-12 Touch LEFT with LEFT toes, drop LEFT heel (weight onto LEFT), touch RIGHT toes beside LEFT, drop RIGHT heel (weight on RIGHT), 13-14 Step LEFT with LEFT foot while twisting RIGHT with RIGHT heel, together with RIGHT, 15-16 Step LEFT with LEFT foot while twisting RIGHT with RIGHT heel, together with RIGHT, * Kick-ball-change, twist, twist; repeat: 17&18 Kick RIGHT foot forward, step onto ball of RIGHT, slightly forward of LEFT (on &), step LEFT slightly forward of RIGHT, *1* 19-20 Twist heels LEFT, twist heels RIGHT, *2* 21&22 Kick RIGHT foot forward, step onto ball of RIGHT, slightly forward of LEFT (on &), step LEFT slightly forward of RIGHT, *1* 23-24 Twist heels LEFT, twist heels RIGHT, *2* * Back, together - 4 times: 25-26 Step back diagonally to the RIGHT (ie: 45 degrees) with RIGHT, touch LEFT beside RIGHT and clap, 27-28 Step back diagonally to the LEFT (ie: 45 degrees) with LEFT, touch RIGHT beside LEFT and clap, 29-30 Step back diagonally to the RIGHT (ie: 45 degrees) with RIGHT, touch LEFT beside RIGHT and clap, 31-32 Step back diagonally to the LEFT (ie: 45 degrees) with LEFT, touch RIGHT beside LEFT and clap, * Toe-heel-cross-rock, toe-heel-cross-rock: 33-36 Touch ball of RIGHT foot slightly to the RIGHT, drop RIGHT heel, cross LEFT foot behind RIGHT, rock forward onto RIGHT foot, 37-40 Touch ball of LEFT foot slightly to the LEFT, drop LEFT heel, cross RIGHT foot behind LEFT, rock forward onto LEFT foot, * Toe-heel-cross-rock with 1/4 turn left, toe-heel-cross-rock: 41-44 Touch ball of RIGHT foot slightly to the RIGHT, make a 1/4 turn LEFT with weight on LEFT foot, drop RIGHT heel, cross LEFT foot behind RIGHT, rock forward onto RIGHT foot, 45-48 Touch ball of LEFT foot slightly to the LEFT, drop LEFT heel, cross RIGHT foot behind LEFT, rock forward onto LEFT foot, * Two toe-heel struts; 4 kick-steps: *3* 49-50 Touch forward with RIGHT toes, drop RIGHT heel, 51-52 Touch forward with LEFT toes, drop LEFT heel, 53-54 Kick forward with RIGHT, step slightly forward onto RIGHT foot, 55-56 Kick forward with LEFT, step slightly forward onto LEFT foot, 57-58 Kick forward with RIGHT, step slightly forward onto RIGHT foot, 59-60 Kick forward with LEFT, step slightly forward onto LEFT foot, * Jump feet apart, hold, knee-point, hold: 61-62 Jump feet apart, hold, 63-64 Bend RIGHT knee diagonally forward to the LEFT and hold. Repeat Choreographer's variations: *1* For 17&18 and 21&22 replace the kick-ball-step with a kick-ball-twist where you twist both heels to the right, transferring weight onto the left foot. *2* Replace 19-20 and 23-24 with: Step forward/Twist (Left), Step forward/Twist (Right). *3* The kick-steps (53-60) can be done with slight hops. Styling: This dance should be done in the "Elvis Style". Use "Elvis" knees whenever suitable e.g on toe-heel struts etc. Transcribed: David Powell, 13th June, 2000.