Dance: Jai' du Boogie ** (see notes below) Song: Jai' Du Boogie Artist: Scooter Lee Album: Would you Consider Choreography and copyright: Max Perry Level: advanced-Intermediate Walls: 4 Count: 64 Dance Beat: fast Start: Weight on left foot * Toe-heel struts, double kick, step back, touch back: 1- 4 Touch forward with RIGHT toes, snap down heel, Touch forward with LEFT toes, snap down heel, 5- 8 Kick forward with RIGHT foot twice, step back with RIGHT, touch back with LEFT foot, * Three step-hitches with 1/2 turn left, step & hitch: 9-10 Step forward with LEFT foot, hitch RIGHT and make 1/2 turn LEFT, 11-12 Step back on RIGHT foot, hitch LEFT leg and make 1/2 turn LEFT, 13-14 Step forward on LEFT foot, hitch RIGHT and make 1/2 turn LEFT, 15-16 Step back on RIGHT foot and hitch LEFT leg, * Forward lock-vine with scuff, repeat (left then right): 17-20 Step forward with LEFT foot, step together with RIGHT foot, step forward with LEFT foot, scuff together with RIGHT foot, 21-24 Step forward with RIGHT foot, step together with LEFT foot, step forward with RIGHT foot, scuff together with LEFT foot, * 8 count jazz-box (box-step): 25-26 Cross LEFT toes in front of RIGHT, snap down LEFT heel 27-28 Step back with RIGHT toes, snap down RIGHT heel, 29-30 Step slightly to the LEFT with LEFT toes with 1/4 turn LEFT and snap down LEFT toes, 31-32 Step together with RIGHT foot and clap, * Heel-toe swivels Left then Right: 33-36 Swivel heels LEFT (with weight on heels), then toes LEFT (with weight on toes), then heels LEFT, clap, 37-40 Swivel heels RIGHT (with weight on heels), then toes RIGHT (with weight on toes), then heels RIGHT, clap (weight onto LEFT), * Two Monterey turns: 41-44 Touch RIGHT with RIGHT foot, 1/2 turn RIGHT on ball of LEFT foot, sliding RIGHT together, touch LEFT with Left, step LEFT together. 45-48 Touch RIGHT with RIGHT foot, 1/2 turn RIGHT on ball of LEFT foot, sliding RIGHT together, touch LEFT with Left, step LEFT together. * Eight rock's: 49-50 Rock RIGHT onto RIGHT foot, weight back onto LEFT foot, 51 Rock LEFT onto RIGHT foot, crossing behind LEFT foot, 52-53 Rock LEFT onto LEFT foot, weight back onto RIGHT foot, 54 Rock RIGHT onto LEFT foot, crossing behind RIGHT foot, 55-56 Rock RIGHT onto RIGHT foot, weight back onto LEFT foot, * Two 1/2 pivot turns with holds: 57-60 Step forward on RIGHT foot, hold, 1/2 pivot turn LEFT on LEFT foot (weight onto LEFT) and hold, 61-64 Step forward on RIGHT foot, hold, 1/2 pivot turn LEFT on LEFT foot (weight onto LEFT) and hold. Repeat. ** The choreographer's web site gives the name of the dance (and song) as "jai' du Boogie", which roughly translates into english as "I have some boogie". The correct french spelling is, however, "j'ai du Boogie". The dance appears on the web under both spellings. Transcribed: David Powell, 9th May, 2000.