Floor Filler

SONG: Floor Filler
ALBUM: Pop 'Til You Drop
CHOREOGRAPHER: Brett Jenkins & Chris Watson, May 2005
DANCE: 32 Counts, 4 Walls, 1 Tag, Int (Starts after a 32 count intro, with weight on both feet)

BEATS:          STEPS:

Jumps Out In Out, Hips L,R, L, R sailor, L Sailor
1&2,3&4 Jump Feet apart Out, In , Out, Push hips L,R, L
5&6,7&8 R Behind L, Rock L to L side, rock back to centre, L Behind R, Rock R to R Side and weight back to L

Step 1/2 Pivot, Full turn walking forward R,L, Kick, Kick and Step Kick ****
1,2,3,4 Step R foot forward pivoting a half turn to the L, Taking weight onto your L, Doing a full turn walking forward R, L.
5,6&7,8 Double Kick R Foot Forward, Step R Foot back and forward onto L and kick R foot forward ****

Step Scuff, out, out, hold, Knee Pops
&1,2,3,4 Step R foot back and Forward onto L, Scuffing r foot forward and stepping R to R side, step L to L side
5,6,7,8 Hold, Pop R knee to centre, pop L knee to centre and pop R knee to centre.

1/4 pivot L, Behind, side, cross, heel and heel, and step forward touch together.
1,2,3&4 Step R foot forward doing a ¼ turn pivot to the L taking weight onto L. Step R foot behind L, Step L to L side, step R across in front of L
5&6&7,8 Touch L Heel Forward, Step L together and touch R heel forward, Step R together and step forward onto L foot and touch R toe to L.

32 beats. Restart dance from beginning.

TAG: 16 Beat Tag happens at the end of the 2nd Wall,, after 16 counts of the 5th & 8th walls do the tag then restart dance.

Stomp Forward, Stop and Heels Taps, ½ Pivot, 1./2 Pivot, Ships R,L,R,L
1,2,3,4 Step R foot to R side and push your R hand forward (As if stopping traffic), Lift R Heel up and down for 2,3,4 (Heel Taps)
5,6,7,8 Step L foot to L side and push your L hand forward (as if stopping traffic), lift L heel up and down for 6,7,8 (Heel Taps)
1,2,3,4 Step R foot forward, Pivot a ½ turn L, taking weight onto L, Step R foot Forward, pivot a ½ turn taking weight forward onto L
5,6,7,8 Step R foot to R side pushing hips R,L,R,L
Permission is given for dance to be freely copied and distributed,
on the basis the dance is not changed in any way.

Brett Jenkins
Ph. 0402623787