A Man Like That.

32 Counts, 4 Wall, Intermediate level linedance.
Choreographer- Martie Papendorf. South Africa. Nov.2012.
Music- Man Like That. Gin Wigmore. 2:50

1 Restart

Start  - On vocals

1  Strutt jazzbox ¼ right, Heel, Flick, Fwd shuffle
1&2&    Touch R toe across L, Drop heel, Touch L toe behind R, Drop heel,
3&4&    Turning ¼ turn right touch R toe fwd, Drop heel, Touch L toe fwd, Drop heel,[3.00]
5,6       Touch R heel fwd leaning back and looking over left shoulder, Flick R back,
7&8      Step R fwd, Step L next to R, Step R fwd 

2  Step, Behind, Side, Cross, Side, Cross, Side, Cross, Step, Back ¼ left, Heel, Back, Heel, Coaster step
&1&2&  Step L next to R, Cross R behind L, Step L to left side, Step R across L, Step L to left side,
3&4      Step R across L, Step L to left side, Step R across L,
&5&      Step L next to R, Step R back making a ¼ turn left, Touch L heel fwd,[12.00]
6&        Step L back, Touch R heel fwd,
7&8      Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R fwd

3  Toe, Scuff, Step, Coaster ¼ left, Step, Toe, Scuff, Step, Coaster, Step, Fwd
1&2      Touch L toe next to R [knee turned in], Scuff L heel fwd, Step L across R,
3&4      Step R back making a ¼ turn left, Step L next to R, Step R fwd,[9.00]
&          Step L next to R,

Restart here on wall 3, facing 3.00
5&6      Touch R toe next to R [knee turned in], Scuff R heel fwd, Step R across L,
&7&8&  Step L next to R, Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R fwd, Step L next to R

4  Side, Together, Side and shimmy, Together, Rock, Recover, Back, Coaster step
1,2       Step R to right side bringing arms up to shoulder level with elbows out hands touching,
           Step L next to R bringing arms down,

Fun option 1-Bring arms up along sides to make a circle with fists touching above head
Fun option 2-Bring arms up along sides to make a circle with right hand gripping left wrist
Or just create your own arm movements!

3&4      Step R to right side bringing arms up to shoulder level with elbows out hands touching and

            shimmy shoulders[3&], Step L next to R bringing arms down,

5&6      Rock R fwd, Recover back onto L, Step R back,

7&8      Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L fwd


During wall 3, after count 3&4& of section 3, facing 3.00