Colyton Public School & School Master's Cottage

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Photograph (c) Blacktown Council, 1995

School Master's Residence was built 1882. A Three bedroom cottage adjacent Colyton Public School, Nelson Street, Mount Druitt.

A single storey late Victorian style masonry house with front verandah. The first occupant was Edgar Fuller, headmaster at the school from 1861 to 1889. The residence was built several years after the earlier buildings associated with the school were established. In 1898 an adjoining classroom was incorporated into the residence and it remained essentially the same until 1960 when it was renovated. The residence was since badly damaged by vandalism and the Department of Education plans to restore the building.

Apart from the residence, a classroom, dating to 1898, remains on the site and is still in use by the school. The classroom is a single storey structure with weatherboard cladding and gable ended galvanised roof.

The school itself was established in 1861 and moved to the present site in 1883. An excellent history on the school can be found on its website.

Photograph (c) Blacktown City Sun

1898 Classroom. Photograph (c) Colyton Public School

Blacktown City Sun, 28/5/2002
NSW Heritage Office Website,
Colyton Public School,