Prospect Reservoir

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Photograph (c) NSW Heritage Trust

Prospect Reservoir, 1888
  Source unknown, possibly State Library NSW
Built 1882-1888. Located off Reservoir Road, Prospect.

First proposed 1869. Was completed in 1888 with a capacity of 50,000 million litres and at a cost of 2.7 millions pounds. The first earthfill embankment dam in Australia. Originally built to store water fed from the dams of the Upper Nepean system via the Upper Canal. From Prospect the Lower Canal led to a basin at Guildford, from where water was piped to several reservoirs around the city (see also Boothtown Aqueduct). Water from Warragamba reached Prospect Reservoir in 1940. With the commissioning of the Prospect Water Filtration Plant in 1996, raw water transferred from Warragamba and the Upper Nepean dams was sent directly to the treatment facility, by-passing Prospect Reservoir.

Prospect Reservoir is historically significant as a central element of the Sydney water supply system and is Sydney's largest reservoir. It was an outstanding civil engineering acheivement feat for its time. The reservoir and now the treatment plant supplies the lions share of Sydney's water demand.

The dam wall is 2.21 km long. Whilst an earthen-wall dam, the upstream side is lined with diorite blocks. Originally the reservior served as the main storage, with the upstream dams being merely weirs for diverting the water to Prospect. With the construction of Warragamba Dam in the 1930's became a temporary storage reservoir, to cope with daily fluctations in the water demand. Prospect ceased operation as a dam in 1987.

The valve house was completed in 1889 and is still in use. Most of its inner workings are original. It is an octagonal shaped building about 10 x 6 metres wide designed in the Victorian Free Classical style. Built of sandstone, its design borrows elements from classical architecture, as evidenced by the formal decoration of the parapet and lintel.

Prospect Trust, "Back to Prospect" tour, 21/7/1996
Prospect Trust, "Back to Prospect" tour, 16/7/2000
Blacktown Advocate, 5/6/2002
NSW Heritage Office Website,
Sydney Catchment Authority, Prospect Reservoir,